Eternal Beauty Review

It’s no surprise that Eternal Beauty, Craig Roberts’ follow-up to his directorial debut Just Jim, feels similar in tone and subtlety to his acting debut Submarine, if a little less comedic.
Koko-di Koko-da Blu-ray Review

I remember it well: it was mid-March, and the suggestion was this Coronavirus thing might actually be quite serious. If I’d known just how serious, I might have felt even more disoriented by Johannes Nyholm’s Koko-di Koko-da.
The Invisible Man Review

The Invisible Man never seemed sinister to me as a character, probably because I saw films like Memoirs of an Invisible Man when I was little.
Greed Review

I believe it was a certain Mr Gecko who once said, greed is good. Not in Michael Winterbottom’s new Steve Coogan film Greed.
Waves Review

Trey Edward Shults’ startling new film, Waves, is the latest January release to join the ranks of overlooked films at this year’s Oscars.