Everly Film Review

Many reputable actors of maturing years have veered into the mindless shoot-em-up arena recently, and Salma Hayek is the latest to recklessly discharge a firearm for an hour and a half onscreen in Everly.
San Andreas Review

Whether the plot concerns unexplained heating of the earth’s core, or some rapidly-changing climate conditions, audiences seem to love a natural catastrophe. Which brings us to San Andreas.
Tomorrowland Review

Trying to avoid the hype where I can, I actually signed up to review Tomorrowland without knowing that much about it.
Mad Max: Fury Road Review

George Miller’s rebooted-sequel Mad Max: Fury Road has a glorious old-school feel to it – and I mean that in a good way.
The Last Five Years Review

As a dedicated non-fan of musicals who’s never caught an original theatrical run, I’m probably not the audience Icon had in mind for their The Last Five Years flick.