Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials Review

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials is kind of like a pedestrian version of Mad Max Fury Road, with a tad more plot and far less creative vision.
Man Up Blu-ray Review

If you’re looking for yet another awkward British comedy about love, look no further than Simon Pegg’s latest sojourn from Hollywood Man Up.
A Second Chance Review

Hard-hitting Scandinavian dramas have become something of a cinematic staple of late, so you’d be forgiven for thinking Susanne Bier’s A Second Chance is another fresh off the production line. But you’d be wrong.
Ant-Man Review

Having exhausted the main Avengers stable, Marvel have once more dipped deep into the barrel of lesser known and obscure characters to further their domination of multiplexes for summers to come with Ant-Man.
Dear White People Review

Justin Simien’s debut feature, Dear White People, is intelligent, stimulating and has a lot of points to make – but does that make it a good film?