We Were Promised Jetpacks Interview

We Were Promised Jetpacks Guitarist Michael Palmer shoots the breeze with Soundbite Culture before the indie band’s packed out London show at XOYO.
Junkhearts Review

Jonathan Campbell takes a leaf out of Jarvis Cocker’s book in reviewing Simon Frank’s tale of common people.
Oslo, August 31st Review

Jonathan Campbell takes a ride through Joachim Trier’s Oslo, August 31st and likes the way it feels.
Frank Piasecki Poulsen Interview

Jonathan Campbell chats with Danish Director Frank Piasecki Poulsen about his documentary Blood In The Mobile and the link between Eastern Congo’s civil war and the electronic goods we buy.
Puscifer: Conditions Of My Parole Review

Kareem Ghezawi violates his own parole to listen to Maynard James Keenan’s satanic side project’s latest album.